Bitcoin Realtime Datafeed

New experimental Bitcoin realtime datafeed

As new markets are emerging, it is interesting to get the new charts and currency rate conversions in realtime on a price chart. New exchanges to trade bitcoin against the currency pairs like EUR and USD offer new trading possibilities. Why not use our cycle tools to analyze the bitcoin exchange rate in realtime?

Here we go. The new added datafeed “Bitcoin” is available now with the next release. It makes use of the free availabel APIs from different bitcoin markets. We build up a datafeed which uses the markets where the most volume is trades. So we are mixing different APIs in one datafeed here.

Here are the usage infos:

There are only two pairs which can be charted:

  • Bitcoin vs. USD [Chart symbol: USD]
  • Bitcoin vs. EUR [Chart symbol: EUR]

The symbols can only be charted in the period of minutes with the following settings for minutes:

1 (default), 5, 15, 30, 60, 240, 1440, 10080, 21600

The current update frequency is set to 20 seconds. Be carefull with higher rates and the APIs might limit access to realtime data.

Please see the following video for short demonstration:

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